
Мистър Д. | Mr. D.

Днес е много специален ден! Мистър Д. има рожден ден! Както знаем такъв празник не може без торта и без хубави пожелания, затова - Мистър Д., честит рожден ден! Пожелавам ти цялото щастие, любов и късмет на света.

Today is а very special day! It's Mr. D's birthday! As we all know such a big event can not be complete without а birthday cake and a lot of good wishes, so Mr. D., happy birthday and I wish you all the happiness, love and luck in the world.

Image: blanche et orange

Pssst, I made a birthday cake following this recipe. Unfortunately the photos didn't turn out so good, still the cake is delicious!

Mrs. D.

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